“For me, working with clay is an extension of my relationship with the land. Using thousands year old earth to create vessels- art, it feels deeply ancestral”

Having the opportunity to work with clay has truly been a blessing in my life. I find so much grounding through this art form (pun intended!) and I can always turn to it when I am struggling to be embodied, as clay demands full bodily presence. I have recently reentered the world of clay through the BIPOC Ceramics Apprenticeship Program and am excited to continue growing as an artist and teacher of this craft.

Past Offerings

Valentines Day Couples Clay Class

Class Description: During this class each participant will have the opportunity to wheel throw their very own mug and collaboratively hand build a candle stick holder. By the end, the two will have made two mugs and a candle holder, enabling them to enjoy candlelit coffee or tea dates for years to come! <3 (Pieces will be trimmed, fired, and glazed following the class to be picked up at a later date)